
Heather O’Connell is the one of the most innovative teachers I have trained. I am constantly impressed of how she finds ways to keep taking her students into deeper places into themselves and the unseen realms.

Heather’s work is truly brilliant. I love the energy she puts into her personal work and into the practices she shares with others. She is a fiery spirit, clear communicator, and such a loving soul. I would love to take a course with Heather one day!

~ Sandra Ingerman, MA renowned shamanic teacher and author of 12 books including Medicine for the Earth and The Book of Ceremony


In a single healing session, I found resolution for an issue that had dogged me for years.  Heather is a strong and compassionate healer, with a delightful sense of humor.  Along with her helping spirits, she creates an environment of safety that has helped me experience profound healing.  After working with Heather I am living as a lighter, truer, more joyful version of myself.

– Dria K.


I first met Heather about 10 years ago to learn shamanic journeying and had a profound experience under her guidance. Since then, I have taken a mediumship course and participated in intuitive sessions with various spirit entities that she channels. The relaying of information to me was clear, concise and accurate in areas of my life where Heather had no previous knowledge relating to me. I have learned a tremendous amount about the spirit world (and my own intuitive strengths) and I know I will continue to learn more. Heather is patient, honest and straightforward and I have trust in the spirits she contacts while seeking understanding, healing or direction on my behalf. She is a skilled shaman and clairvoyant and she maintains a benevolent, loving setting whether in person or virtual settings.The information I have received has been life changing and it supports what I intuitively had guessed at for myself…now it is a part of my personal truth and understanding.
~ Judith E.


Heather helped me discover several of the reasons that I have had a major challenge all this lifetime. I have been to many psychics, mediums and counselors throughout my life working on this major issue. She brought it into focus more clearly than anyone else has done. I am so appreciative and enthusiastically recommend her to assist you with any questions or issues you want to address.

~ June S.


The amazing Soul Retrieval Heather and her spirit helpers provided to me completely opened up a new me and prepared me for what was to come in our world. After that beautiful gift I was given I really started going inward to heal and make changes in my life. Everything is opening up and healing. It’s exciting and painful at the same time. Each piece of growth gives me the desire and courage to keep moving forward.
Instead of my old patterns of shutting down and suffering immensely, I pick my self up go inward and have started a daily spiritual, self care practice. I am upright, standing and doing better every day.

~ L.C.


During my sessions with Heather, she was able to help me receive an abundance of specific direct info from helping spirits, who provided compassionate reassurance and guidance. They were able to identify my imbalances and disruptive patterns and provided crucial information about my family history and predictions of my long-term survival.  With this critical information, I was able to embrace and accept my life-threatening diagnosis as an opportunity for healing.  By better understanding the psychosocial stressors to my illness, I’m now able to treat the causes by making the necessary changes that match my intuitive knowing.  After working with Heather, I have been able to continue to find healing in daily life.  For example, while waiting in the oncologist’s office, I was able to continue my conversation with my new friend “Chemo” whose face was found in the river in the photo on the wall. At my request, Chemo has been gentle on me so that I may continue to receive treatments.  In response, I have felt the larger breast lumps to be smaller even though the oncologist reported that it was too soon to notice the difference after 2 sessions of chemotherapy.”

~ Chris C.


Heather did both an Ancestral Clearing and a Soul Retrieval for me over the course of a few months. It’s been a couple of weeks since we completed this work and I absolutely feel the effects. I feel more in my body, more present, more here. The blank spots in me are filled with a sense of self I have always felt the lack of. I loved Heather’s competent, matter of fact, pragmatic approach. And her warmth and genuine compassion. I highly recommend working with her for all your spiritual needs!

~Cate W.


Since the workshop, I’ve had a breakthrough. I can’t quite explain it but I’ve been in a deep experience of presence since that weekend. I FEEL the ground under my feet when I’m walking, I SEE the beauty around me, I SMELL the pine and earth or my morning coffee….I TASTE every bite I eat and I LISTEN to all of the sounds of nature or I really LISTEN to people who are talking to me. I am in each moment fully experiencing it all…..kind of like a little child.



Heather’s grasp and ownership of the subject matter and the power of her presence, so full of love and caring for us all is very moving and made a deep impression on me.

~ Gretchen A. 


I’d been curious to work with Heather and needed some help. I found her to be grounded, warm and personal and immediately put me at ease (in fact helping me to see a fair bit of the anxiety I carried wasn’t even necessarily mine) The way she works is fascinating and brought a perspective I hadn’t encountered elsewhere. I recommend her services and can attest to her care, warmth and dedication. thanks to her and her helpers!

~ Trilby D.


Heather O’Connell is what I describe to others as our “family shaman” because she totally is! My little family and I have worked with Heather going on 4 years now. I absolutely love her! She’s a wonderful shamanic practitioner who holds the most beautiful sacred space for spiritual healing. During labor and birth, she held a spiritual container and facilitated a guided ceremony of sorts for baby and I to be supported by helping spirits during this magical journey baby and I were on.

~ C.C.


I have had the pleasure of working with Heather many times in the past 2 years. Her journey circles and classes have been instrumental in my spiritual and personal growth. She radiates strength, warmth, and integrity, and the sacred space she creates feels safe, nurturing, and powerful. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about and practice shamanic journeying with Heather. With her guidance and support, I had many profound experiences that helped me heal, step into my power, and navigate my life with more ease and clarity. Best of all, I am now able to journey on my own and receive guidance whenever I want. I can’t thank Heather enough for this invaluable resource she helped me cultivate!

~ Katie Moore


Heather came into my life at the perfect time. When she taught her short intro class at the Women’s Herbal Symposium I knew I wanted to learn more. I felt the call to go deeper. A couple of years into our teacher/mentorship, I can easily say her offerings have helped shape my healing journey in a way I couldn’t have dreamt before. Offering me basic concepts of grounding, boundaries, how to ask questions and set intentions (without a bajillion words in the mix)… How to tap into and feel that inner playful light, how to see, feel and be in deeper connection with our allies around us.

~ Katrina D


I have done circles with Heather over the years, and just recently did a session with her and grandfather fire. I felt compelled after that experience to reach out and schedule a private healing session with Heather in person, to work on deeper issues within myself. The location was beautiful and I immediately felt at peace there. Heather is so warm and welcoming, I was at ease discussing my internal struggles openly with her. Watching her work is fascinating, and the work we did together was truly powerful. I felt safe and left with a calmness that settled over me and has continued to be with me. I trust in the process and have faith that my healing was a very needed part of my journey. I highly recommend anyone who is considering seeing Heather to make the move!

~Heather C.